Now you can post as yourself on Facebook Pages

Probably the coolest of the new features for Facebook Business (fan) Pages is the ability to control post identity preference.  As a page admin, you can now post as the page, or as yourself.

new facebook page

Post as the page or as yourself

As you can see above, I have used this handy new feature to post as my Memphis Page, and as myself  (Joe Spake).  This feature will allow you and other page admins to personalize posts, rather than the page logo image filling the page wall every time you post or comment.  So how do you make this work for your page?

First go to your business page.  You will prompted to upgrade.  Do it.  All pages will be automatically upgraded around the first of March, 2011, anyway.  The page will have a different look, similar to the new look of personal profiles, and most of the admin features will be in different places.  To set the identity preference, click the Edit Page button at the top right of your page.  Click on the Your Settings link on the top left.  Uncheck the Posting Preferences box and read the explanation.  [While you are there, notice that you can now get email notification when someone posts to your page – a great new feature.]

Once you have unchecked the box, your posts to the page will be by you and not by the page.  If there are multiple admins, each will have to do this to enable the functionality for themselves.  To post as the page again, go back to the page wall, and click the link on the right Use Facebook as [name of your page].  Of course, if you leave the box checked, you will always post as the page for posts to the page.

This is a great opportunity to show that you are actively participating on your own page, making comments, and engaging with page visitors.  Give it a try!

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