Category Archives: Marketing

If you liked it, then you shoulda put a +1 on it

Google +1

Screenshot of DiggDigg bar from Mashable

Here’s a new mantra – to the tune of  Beyoncé’s Single Ladies: If you liked it, then you shoulda put a +1 on it.

The Mashable post, Growing up Google: How Cloud Computing is Changing a Generation is all about Google.  as you can see from its DiggDigg bar at the left,  it got 131 Facebook Likes, over 1,500 tweets, 291 LinkedIn shares, and 433 Stumbleupon shares; yet this post about Google got only 9  Google  +1 s.

I am perplexed that readers make the mouse click effort to share to other platforms, yet neglect the +1 button.  Many of  us Google proponents would rather have the +1 as a show of appreciation than the FB Like.  It’s just one little  mouse click. Why not give it a try right now:

New functionality of the +1 button now allows for a direct share to your Google Plus feed, if you have one, with just one more click.  Believe it or not, lots of folks are using Google Plus regularly,and Google is looking at where those +1’s are going.  So don’t be stingy with your +1 love.

The Social Media Guru

[Joe Spake Weblog Blast from the Past -Originally posted October 4, 2009 – and not much has changed]

Recently I attended a brainstorming session sponsored by a local business to help the decision maker decide how to move forward with the organization’s implementation of Social Media.  The decision maker had little more that a conversational grasp of Twitter, Facebook, etc, and there he was at the table with the local SM literati. A conversation like that can quickly get esoterically out of hand, especially for those decision makers who are at the you know something is happening but you don’t know what it is, do you Mr. Jones? stage.

This video will first have you ROTFL;  but you will go back and listen to the words and message again. Caution: Strong Language!

It seems that everyone who can figure out how to open a Facebook account or do a few Tweets is a social media expert these days, and if they want to bill at a higher rate, they are gurus.  Almost everyone  seems to be jumping on the bandwagon that’s running down the yellow brick road to a gold mine. It’s easy to jump on the bandwagon, but it takes a little more effort to book passage on the Cluetrain.

I am not criticizing Social Media consulting .  I really believe that the Integration of Social Media into PR , Marketing and Advertising is vital to business. The question is which thought leader do you follow? I oftenre-read and  link to Geoff Livingston and Beth Harte’s Top 25 ways to tell if your social media expert is a carpetbagger.

There has been an interesting conversation on the about the most influential social media users in the real estate business.  The analysts make lists based on statistical data, and now Inman News is having a popularity contest (Oh please vote for me so my ego won’t be bruised any more than it has already been by not being included on the other lists). The big question is Who Cares?  Are there really no better ways of measuring credibility and competence than inclusion on a list? [2012 -well, now we have Klout and Kred, but is that much better?]  If I were hiring a SM guru, or reading his/her posts, or considering buying his/her books, or advising a client on how to make the choice, I would refer back to Livingston and Hart’s 25 ways and other posts along the same theme, like this one from Terry Ellwood or this one I wrote a while back.

Now, write me a check for 5000 Euros and I will say adios.

More will be spent on online ads than print ads in 2012

According to eMarketer, US spending on online advertising will exceed spending on print advertising for the first time in 2012, and the trend will continue as advertisers find more value online.  Online advertising  spending in 2012 is predicted at $39.5 Billion, compared to $33.8 Billion for all print advertising.  By 2016, the projection is  $62B for online vs. $32.3B for print.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, more and more of us are getting news and information online.  Think of how much time you spend online – work, research, news gathering, social media, compared to the amount of time you spend with print media – newspapers, magazines.  I think it’s obvious that print advertising will not be making a comeback.

What’s your opinion?

Related Articles:
US Online Ad Spend to Close in on $40 Billion –
US advertisers to spend more on digital than print: study –
Online Ad Spending to Surpass Print for First Time in 2012 [STUDY] –


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