Tag Archives: Google Reader

Sometimes I think the Luddites have a point

Rage Against the Machine

According to Wikipedia,  the Luddites were a group of 19th-century English textile artisans who protested against the changes produced by the Industrial Revolution, which they felt were leaving them without work and changing their way of life.  They could get wild at times, sabotaging  and destroying the looms and machinery that displaced them.  The movement was named after General Ned Ludd or King Ludd, a mythical figure who, like Robin Hood, was reputed to live in Sherwood Forest.

The Luddite movement has continued in various forms right into the present.  And some lots of days I can really relate.  Like when I wake to 541 items in my Google Reader, scores of important Tweets from close friends, 2 or 3 screens of emails,  and scores of irresistible updates on my Facebook home screen.  And then the phone starts ringing.  We love our electronic toys.  Toddlers can manipulate iPads;  Baby Boomers, challenged for years with programming their VCRs, are texting before breakfast.  Grandma is Skyping with her grand children.  Everyone is a geek and/or a social media guru.  Millions of us have become homemade journalists, posting our wittiness and brilliance to our blogs for all the world to see.  We’ve got to keep up with all, because if we don’t,  we shall perish.  …Or not.   Continue reading

RSS what?

RSS Symbol

Ever see this symbol before?  This post is not about RSS (Real Simple Syndication) or how it works.  It’s about the the computer literate folks I encounter every day who are not utilizing the power of RSS feeds to simplify their lives.

Unless owners of sites block their feeds, any website with dynamic (frequently updated content) has a feed.   The feed updates and syndicates changes, i.e., new blog posts, updates, news articles, for anyone to grab.

So when I am discussing a particular blog or site with someone who just surfs to it occasionally, I always ask if they “subscribe”.  I am often met with a blank look when I tell them they can automatically receive updates  every time their favorite blogger posts, or their favorite news outlet adds a new story.  You can subscribe to the feeds for sites you enjoy through a piece of aggregation software like Google Reader, and like magic, receive all the latest updates for everything you like on the web.

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Getting the hottest news with RSS – Part 1

So much information, so little time.  Newspapers, magazines, podcasts, blog posts, books, webinars – we are overwhelmed with information from a myriad of sources.  Most of us probably have our “towers of shame”, those stacks of must-read books beside the bed or our favorite chair.

How would you like to be served filtered business, local and news, blog posts, videos,  and other items of interest, directly to your computer in real time?  An extremely simple and efficient way to manage day to day information is through the use of an RSS reader and subscriptions to RSS feeds.  RSS is Real Simple Syndication.  Most dynamic web content, blog posts, news from online sources, is offered via RSS feeds, as indicated by the RSS symbol at the beginning of the paragraph or, or the symbol in conjunction with a Subscribe request near the top of many  page .  RSS and RSS feeds are a little hard to explain, so let’s get some help from Common Craft:

The use of  RSS feeds will allow you to peruse a vast amount of information, in a shorter time. Continue reading

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