Tag Archives: joe spake


There has been some buzz on the real estate blogs about today’s Market Watch (Wall Street Journal) story Top Realtors Disclose Marketing Secrets for Tough Times. The article discusses a survey by a top provider of direct mail, mass email and e-marketing services for Realtors. The top ten core themes and findings don’t tell us much new: Realtors use direct mail, newspaper ads, and email and have websites.

What caught the attention of the bloggers was the statement that “67% of real estate professionals are now part of an online social network.”
Is this statement accurate? Well, I guess it depends on how you define “part of”. There is a huge difference between JOINING a social network and PARTICIPATING in one. With Realtors there seems to be a Bandwagon Effect. Agents are quick to jump on the latest trend, especially if there is the promise of making more money, but they are not very likely to do the follow-through necessary for mastery.

tweeters @joespake

Commercial Appeal loses another subscriber

Maybe I don’t pay much attention, but today was the first I heard about the Commercial Appeal raising its subscription rates by $2 per month, effective November 1.

I got a slick, pre-sort bulk piece mixed in with the Tuesday junk mail with the announcement. The CA says it’s the high cost of newsprint (didn’t the CA get smaller recently, or is that just my imagination?) and fuel costs. They have already cut service to 4000 “loyal readers” in outlying areas and plan curtailing service to 5,600 more.

I have the Wednesday through Sunday subscription plan, which I will cancel. We only read the Sunday paper anyway, and I would just as soon give my money to one of those kids that camp on the corner all day Sunday. I guess they will also raise the already incredibly high line price for real estate ads again too.

If you don’t know about RSS feeds and readers, now is a good time to learn. RSS is my primary source of news, and the way I keep up with Wendi C Thomas’ columns.

Social Media Abuse

I read 3 blog posts yesterday explaining social media marketing to Realtors. As I mentioned in my last post on the subject, It’s Hard to Let Go of Interruption Marketing, we can’t seem to get away from forcing our message on the masses. Unlike our traditional interruption techniques, newspapers, postcards, cold calling, the social media are FREE, so that makes social media even more enticing. But the bloggers just don’t seem to “get” social media. Some of the tips I learned in the posts: mine successful colleagues’ friends and followers lists; direct message mined friends with your message and value proposition; broadcast your product at least 3 times a day……. And on and on…. Maybe I don’t get it.
Or maybe the bloggers don’t get it. The coolest thing about social media is that you can easily withdraw your permission. On twitter, you can block followers with one click. If you get new followers that are following thousands and obviously pushing their wares, report them to @spam.
It is not just Realtors; we just always seem to be late jumping on the band wagon. Misuse of the social media seems to be a current hot topic in Web 2.0. In the current Issue of Fast Company Magazine, Caroline Waxler’s commentary piece is “Social Misfits – How companies abuse tech’s latest tools and embarrass themselves.” It’s worth a read before you implement your social media campaign.

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