Tag Archives: social media newbie

This Blog’s for you (guest post by Sheila Hensley)

[Note: I invited Sheila Hensley, a social media newbie to post here for some perspective. I think those of us who are immersed in the new media and active in that community are often not clear about why we do it when we are communicating with those who don’t. Sheila’s post brings up some interesting issues for veterans and newbies. Find Sheila’s original post on her blog here – JS]

If you’ve never Tweeted, Re-Tweeted, FaceBooked (not counting family/friends ) Linked-In, you’ve never followed an RSS feed, or commented on a CNN or Fox News blog post; you don’t even follow weather alerts on your smart phone … then this blog is for you. My question to you is Why? Why are we not participating?

I’ve read blog posts on why we should participate and looked at statistics which indicate that if we don’t participate we are doomed. I’ve hired/partnered with a Web 2.0 consultant, read books (Cluetrain, The Whuffie Factor, both I’ll have to read again to really get) but I’m still not taking action. I’ve made little personal contribution to the community. Why? And, why aren’t you?

I realize that those I’m asking are probably not reading this. Unless they are referred here by someone, they may never see the question? There is a community out there, just like me, who could tell me what they think; help me answer my question. Yet they won’t see this. Hummm … this is a problem.

In an effort to begin taking action, I will post this (feeling very insecure) and see what happens. If all I’ve read is true, then there are many who need to comment, want to comment, but will not – Why?

Experienced social media gurus need not try to answer this question. You can’t. You’ve done your best. I’ve heard you, read your words of wisdom and appreciate all I’ve learned. Unfortunately, you can’t help me. Only people at this level of inexperience can comment authoritatively on my question. The best you can do for people you know like me is to direct them here to answer my question. It would be good for me and for them.

A possible solution is a focus group of newbies who are interested in answering the question, but don’t want to answer online. Are they more comfortable with a physical location and casual atmosphere for discriminating people who want to meet for conversation and a hand’s on experience? Ok, let me know that. I’d like to know if that group exists too.

If you are inclined, answer my question here, at your convenience, dress is casual – just leave your comment below. You may sign your post anonymous if you want. The important thing is to tell me why you haven’t made the plunge, yet. Feel free to send a private email to [email protected] with your response if you prefer.

Whatever is more comfortable for the reader is fine on this blog … which is for you.

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