Author Archives: Joe Spake

Tennessee’s first REBar Camp captured the spirit of the movement

Kathy Drewien session on WordPress

Kathy Drewien on using WordPress blogging platform

BarCamps are user-generated conferences, with the sessions an presenters/facilitators determined on the day of the conference.  Bar camps are participatory and geared to the needs and skills of those who attend.  The essence of the Bar Camp movement was captured in this week’s REBar Camp Nashville.  REBar Camps are real estate oriented, and while I have attended Bar Camps that seemed a bit over-choreographed, this event was pure user generated content, and the sessions I facilitated and attended were highly participatory.  Very little of the actual event, other than the blank schedule grid, and the individual venues was pre-planned.  This sharing of ideas is a truly enriching experience.  At any given time there were up to 10 simultaneous sessions in progress, geared to all levels of expertise in real estate marketing and tech.

Brian Copeland

Image of Brian Copeland

Brian Copeland (@nashvillebrian) deserves the credit for putting this event together with the assistance of many volunteers and a solid group of sponsors.  Sponsors? Yes.  A commercial atmosphere?  Definitely not.  I was fortunate enough to be able to present on a couple of topics, and I attended a number of sessions, but the power of the REBar Camp is in the networking:  the folks you meet with, socialize with, and share ideas with are one big family, as you can see if you look at any of the attendee’s Facebook profiles.

Kudos to Brian and all the great folks who attended Tennessee’s first Real Estate Bar Camp!

Rain didn’t dampen Memphis’ first Tribe Camp

Rain in the MASE Parking lot

I was drenched by the time I got inside, but I had a great day at Memphis’ first Tribe Camp.  Inspired by Seth Godin‘s book, Tribes, and sponsored by Social Media Expedition, Launch Memphis, and Lunaweb, the day was filled with a wide variety of presentations running the gamut from photography, to ghost blogging, to writing for the web, social media, SEO, Free as a business model, essential WordPress plugins, toughening and nurturing the tribe and much more. The networking and discussions were powerful, and and the rain didn’t dampen the success of the event.

Preparing for the big day - Meet up at South of Beale, Downtown

Lineup of presenters for morning sessions

Check-in at Tribe Camp

Mike Synk

Big thanks to the folks at MASE – Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering for a perfect venue!

From Fans to Likers

The one thing  you can depend on with Facebook is CHANGE.  If you are a Facebook user, and who isn’t these days, you have probably already noticed that FB has dropped the “Fan” terminology on FB pages, in favor of the less fervent “Like“.  I posted about the FB changes on April 9.  So when you visit a FB page for the first time now instead of the “Become a Fan”  button at the top of the page, there is simply a “Like” button.

Bottom line here, Facebook thinks that it is easier to get someone to like you than to be your fan.  So more people are likely to be Likers than are likely to be Fans, thus expanding  the network even further.  Like is all the buzz,  with FB is also providing code for Like buttons for blogs and websites….just look over into the first sidebar and Like this blog.  And while you are at it, like please go and Like My  Facebook Real Estate Page and the My Memphis Page.

I love Likers!

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